Combination planerthicknesser, Houfek, SC 530
Madein: Czech Republic
ModelNo: SC 530
The combined planer and thicknesser, SC 530, is intended for trimming the thicknessof wood and wood-based workpieces from two (upper+lower) sides, with a view toachieve the required dimension of the workpiece, as well as a flat andhigh-quality surface. Thanks to these performance characteristics, the combinedplaner and thicknesser SC series is intended for all wood-processing plants andworkshops.
Worktable width: 550 mm
Outfeedtable length: 1 250 mm
Infeedtable length: 1 050 mm
Tablerise/fall motor power: 0,18 kw
Workingtool diameter: 120 mm
Motorrpm: 2 880 rpm
Numberof knives: 4 pcs.
Cutterheadrpm: 4 600 m/min
Fencetilt angle: 0 °
Exhaustair speed: 20 m/s
Motorpower: 5,5 kw
Maximumplaning width: 530 mm
Maximumstock removal: 5 mm
Minimumlength of processed material: 310 mm
Minimumdust extraction capacity: 1 272
Machinedimensions (l/w/h): 2360x1200x1200 mm
Weight:850 kg